Type 1: A wish about present: [Şimdiki zamanla ilgili dilek]
I wish I had more money (=but I haven”t) [Keşke daha çok param olsa.]
She wishes she was beautiful (= but she”s not) [Güzel olmayı diliyor.]
We wish we could come to your party (but we can”t) [Partinize gelebilsek keşke.]
Type 2: A wish about past: [Geçmiş bir dilek]
I wish I hadn”t said that (= but I did) [Keşke onu söylemeseydi.]
He wishes he hadn”t bought the car (= but he did buy it.) [Arabayı almasaydım diye diliyor.]
I wish I had taken that job in Istanbul (= but I didn”t, so I”m stuck in Antalya) [Keşke İstanbul’daki o işi kabul etseydim.]
Type 3: A wish about future: [Gelecek zamana ait bir dilek]
I wish he would stop smoking. (= I don”t like it, I want him to change it)
I wish you would go away. (= I don”t want you here, I want you to take some action)
I wish you wouldn”t squeeze the toothpaste from the middle! (= I want you to change your habits.)
I wish you would stay here for another two days.
I wish I could stay here for another two days.
Not: Eğer özneler aynıysa would kullanılamaz (I wish I … gibi).
I wish I knew his phone number.
I wish you would be more accurate with your responsibilities.
I wish you wouldn’t spoil things.
If only ya da I wish
1. I wish yapısını gerçekleşme ihtimali olan olaylarda kullanırız:
I wish I had a car! (= it is possible I might have a car, but I don’t)
If only daha güçlü ve daha dramatiktir. Bu nedenle onu gerçekleşmesini mümkün görmediğimiz ya da pişmanlık duyduğumuz olaylarda tercih ederiz:
If only your father were alive now! (Here, I wish is, of course, possible)
2. Diğer bir fark ta yapısaldır. I wish yapısıyla kurulan bir dilek cümlesinden sonra bir sonuç cümlesi gelmez, ama If only cümlesinden sonra bir sonuç cümlesi gelebilir:
I wish you hadn’t shouted at your chief in the morning.
If only you hadn’t shouted at your chief in the morning, you wouldn’t
have had that unpleasant talk with the director.
Kaynak: www.englishpage.blogcu.com